To redesign a logo for our favorite restaurant/fast food, as well as stationary and mock-ups.
I chose to do Fatty Patty’s Bar and Grill because it is my favourite place to eat. I decided to replicate their current logo because they are best known for their burgers.
I originally had the text on the burgers, but when I showed it to the waitress she said it looked like Burger King so I moved it to the top and bottom and it looks much better.
I decided to keep the colour scheme simple by just using colours from the buns, lettuce, and burgers.
For the typography I used the font Insaniburger because it had a rounded shape and matched with the burger theme.
Medium/tools used
Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop

Old Logo for Fatty Patty's Bar and Grill

My new logo design

Front of business card

Back of business card

Aprons for the staff

T-shirts for the staff

Hat for the staff

Outdoor sign mock-up