The client would like you to design a logo and illustrative label and box for a sauce/marinade. The sauce/marinade could be a BBQ, Hot or Fruit Sauce. The flavour combination is up to you.
For the flavour of the sauce I decided to go with honey lime. I chose this because I realized that there would be a lot of different ideas with using honey and limes.
I started out with the bee and the honey sticks but the honey sticks stood out as I progressed in the design phase because it looks more clean.
I chose to use honeycomb as the background to represent the honey and I kept the colours honey themed.
For the font, I chose a font called D Puntillas A Lace since it looked fuzzy like a bee.
medium/tools used
Indesign, Illustrator

Box for the BBQ sauce

Final label for the BBQ sauce bottle

Alternate label for the BBQ sauce label